Social Science leaner’s book, grade 4- 9781431802500


Social Science leaner’s book, grade 4- 9781431802500 Social Science leaner’s book, grade 4- 9781431802500 Social Science leaner’s book, grade 4- 9781431802500

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  • Social Science leaner's book, grade 4- 9781431802500


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      Social Science leaner's book, grade 4- 9781431802500


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      Social Science leaner’s book, grade 4- 9781431802500


      Publisher Macmillan South Africa
      Print ISBN 9781431802500
      WPDF ISBN 9781431804405

      Clever Social Sciences Grade 4 Learner’s Book has been developed to support the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).The Clever Social Sciences Learner’s Book has been organised into chapters that provide a non-threatening approach for studying the skills and content required by the CAPS curriculum for History and Geography.


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